Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week in a glance!

We had another great week.  Early in the week we ate at Texas Roadhouse and Cory met a little 16 month old girl and it was the cutest thing to see them interact.  They held hands and she tried to share her sippy cup with him.  When she had to leave he waved bye and gave John a high five right after and a random guy in the booth beside us:) 
Last week Jen and Ken signed a contract for a house in La Grange, I am sooo happy they will be so close!!  We will have lots of cousin and sister hang out time!  It is beautiful 3 bedroom house with a bonus room, 3 and a half bathrooms and finished walkout basement, huge closets, great layout and awesomely landscaped yard with a great garden of flowers and a swing in the back fenced in area. 

Clay had a blast handcuffing Cory last week:)  At first he thought it was fun but then he wasn't so crazy about them and wanted out!

Last week my Dad came to visit and that is fun, he loved coming over when all the grandkids are over and he brings us dinner.   It is fun for me watching my Dad having fun with the kids!

 We had a great visit with Ed last week and his friend Michelle!  They brought there Papillion pup name Happy.  We had a great weekend with them and Ed came all the way from Hawaii so it was great getting to see him and for Cory to meet his uncle! We had fun catching up!  The highlights were going to a Korean restaurant, hanging out in the hottub, going to Henry's Ark to feed the animals, going to the airshow and going to El Acapulco.  They left shortly after church sunday to go to Nashville. 

And lastly I put some lables on my pantry project.  I have been switching my food over to glass jars and I love them.  I'm not complete yet with labeling or organizing but here's a look. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter in Birmingham 2012

We had a great week last week and spent the Easter weekend in Alabama. Here's a look into our week Cory got to have fun with his 2 cousins on Tues! It is great living close to my sister after many years apart and she stays home with her 2 adorable kiddos so we get to spend lots of time together! Even better she has her house up for sale and just sold it last night so they have until May 10th and will move out to Oldham County :) so that will be awesome! We will be able to help each other out a lot more if we need to run an errand, have an appt or whatever comes up it won't be as far of a drive and I am excited Cory will be so close to his cousins while growing up!
For Cory, the Easter bunny came a little early since he stumbled across his present in the guest room...oops. Since he loves any kind of ball ...he got an easter basket filled with different sport, soccer ball, kick ball. The funny thing is he wanted to open it immediately when he saw it and I didn't have the camera out, so I told him to wait so I could get the camera and he had a slight meltdown! Ahh life with a toddler...patience isn't his strong point at this age but it made for some funny pictures.
The day before we left for our trip John mowed the lawn and toward the end we put Cory up there to ride around with Daddy and he loved it! It was cute to see him looking intent like he was steering it and you can just tell how much he wants to be like Daddy since he loves doing everything he does!
When they were finished, he got out his own personal lawnmower and completed the job:)
We got up bright and early Friday and left the house at 6am heading to Birmingham. When we got there, we ate lunch with Mama and Papa, my first set of grandparents, and she cooked a delicious southern homegrown meal. We spent the rest of the day hanging out, pushing Cory in the little red wagon, and going to the park!
Saturday after breakfast and getting ready, we left Mama and Papa's around 10am and went to my other set of grandparents, Grandmother and Grandaddy Meadows. We ate lunch with them and she cooked us a delicious meal and my cousins and Aunt and Uncle came over as well! Cory was such a little ham and had the spotlight all on him which he was loving. As soon as they got there he was all smiles and handed out easter eggs to everyone and kept doing a funny little happy dance when they praised him. (I wish I got it on film!) We had a little easter egg hunt and there was a smartie in each egg which Cory would shake the egg, open and eat the candy and throw the empty eggs in the basket. We also took a walk around their neighborhood and Cory loved the cows!
We went to church with them on Easter Sunday, and out to eat afterward at Ruby Tuesdays before heading out.
We made a stop at my cousin Wendy's house to see her and my other Aunt and Uncle and more extended family while they were all over there celebrating my cousin's daughter Kaylee's 12th Birthday! We just stayed an hour since we had to get home before too late and John would have to get up early monday morning for work. Cory really liked Kaylee and went straight to her when she reached out for him! He also loved their dog Nessie who was the same size as him! :) Cory did so great the whole trip and was so well behaved...he made me very proud!
We got back home around 10:30pm and John had to pack for Maysville Ky, which is about 2 hours away and where he will be working and staying the night Mon-Thur for the next 4 weeks! This isn't a typical thing but they recently added this bank to their list to inspect so he won't have to go there again for well over a year. The good thing is he will be home on Thursdays around 5pm and he will have Fri-Sun off to be home and will go back Monday mornings. I will be staying pretty busy during the days with babysitting tues, wed, thurs and getting the dogs exercized and Cory goes to sleep now around 8pm so it's not really much different as far as our routine goes, but I do miss dinners & movie time together and not having my own personal chef.....I know I have been spoiled! A good thing is I have been going to bed super early so I've been catching up on sleep at least!