Last week Jen and Ken signed a contract for a house in La Grange, I am sooo happy they will be so close!! We will have lots of cousin and sister hang out time! It is beautiful 3 bedroom house with a bonus room, 3 and a half bathrooms and finished walkout basement, huge closets, great layout and awesomely landscaped yard with a great garden of flowers and a swing in the back fenced in area.
Clay had a blast handcuffing Cory last week:) At first he thought it was fun but then he wasn't so crazy about them and wanted out!
Last week my Dad came to visit and that is fun, he loved coming over when all the grandkids are over and he brings us dinner. It is fun for me watching my Dad having fun with the kids!
We had a great visit with Ed last week and his friend Michelle! They brought there Papillion pup name Happy. We had a great weekend with them and Ed came all the way from Hawaii so it was great getting to see him and for Cory to meet his uncle! We had fun catching up! The highlights were going to a Korean restaurant, hanging out in the hottub, going to Henry's Ark to feed the animals, going to the airshow and going to El Acapulco. They left shortly after church sunday to go to Nashville.
And lastly I put some lables on my pantry project. I have been switching my food over to glass jars and I love them. I'm not complete yet with labeling or organizing but here's a look.