Saturday, March 10, 2012

18 Months!

My sweet boy turned 18 months this past Friday so this post will be dedicated to him. This is such a fun stage! Here's 10 Random Facts All About Cory:

1. His Favorite Food: Mac n cheese
2. His Favorite Show: Bubble Guppies
3. Diaper Size: 5, shoe size: 8
4. He love to dance when he hears any music
5. His favorite things to say: "no", "ball", "momma", "dadda", "shoes", "trash", "duck", "car", "fish", "choo choo", "bread", "bubbles" "milk" and he can say other words but these are the ones he's pretty good at.
6. He just went to his 18 month appt and he weighs 30 pounds and he is in 2T clothes
7. He's got 14 teeth and 2 more breaking through on the bottom
8. He loves to play in all kinds of water....the bath(*especially bubble baths), rain puddles and even the dog bowls
9. He's not a picky eater and will eat about anything I put in front of him....even pickles, lemons, carrots, and he likes trying all new fruit and veggies. Only thing he hasn't been crazy about is peas!
10. He loves to run around the house and chase our 2 dogs and his favorite place to be is anywhere outside!

Here's a few pics:
1st Golf lesson with Daddy:)
Looking like such a big boy!

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