Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun Week!

A look into our week! :)
Sat 3/24- Went to a baby shower with great friends from high school. It was fun and great to catch up and see Candace's adorable baby bump!
Sun 3/25- Church, family walk around the neighborhood with John, Cory and the pups, lazy day!
Mon 3/26- Took Cory to Traderbakers in La Grange just to browse, only been there a couple times but it's kinda fun to browse all the antique stuff and Cory likes looking through the toy booths:) Some stuff there looks junky since it is all a mixture of new and used but there are a lot of good finds for cheap! I have been looking for a lamp to go in the living room for better light in our reading area and found a brand new one I really is simple but just what i was looking for. I got the lamp, the pillow in the reciner, the magazine basket on the floor next to the bookshelf and the new hallway rug in the second pic all for $32 total! I think that's a great deal!
Tues 3/27- We watched adorable baby Avery! I keep her twice a week normally, though I have been injured so once a week here lately with my sister helping and and my niece and nephew and Cory get a playdate. I will have to take some recent pics of her and Cory....they are too cute together and will be great friends and won't be long before she can play too! He likes when she comes over and hasn't been jealous of her but will show off for her and try to make her is the cutest to see them together!
Wed 3/28 - Cory got his 1st official haircut! I have trimmed his hair several times myself in the bathtub but now that I am injured and his hair was getting long I just took him to a place called Short Cuts 4 Kids off Springhurst Blvd. It is so cute where they sit in cars/trucks, get to watch their own personal TV, get bubbles and a sucker and they have a little play area there for after. He liked it but had his serious face on. It was $14 for a kids haircut which I know isn't to bad but I mainly did it for the memory to put in his scrapbook and the experience because for as little as they cut I would prefer save the money and do it myself;) He did look quite handsome though after!
That evening we went to church....we go every Sunday and back again on Wed evenings and I have been teaching the 2 and under class every Wed for the past 3 months. It has been a lot of fun and the class has about 8 to 10 kids in it including Cory. We first talked about Noah, then Jonah and the whale. We are about to switch teachers so I'm hoping Cory will still do good without me in there!
Thur 3/29 - Went to the zoo with some friends from church that are also stay at home Moms! Vanessa with her son Ryan who is just a month older than Cory, Terra with her 2 girls Kaitlynn who just turned 4 and Faith who is 15 months, and Jaime with her son Campbell who is 4. That was a lot of fun and all the kids did really good! Cory and Ryan fell asleep as soon as we got in the car on the way home. I should have taken some pics! Then thurs afternoon I had an appt to get a short cast put on, which feels much better!
Fri 3/30 - John, Cory and I left early for a one day trip to Nasville where we met up with some of his cousins and ate lunch at O'Charley's! Then we went to Rivergate mall and played at the Incredible Dave's gameroom area....Cory had a lot of fun playing skeeball though he couldn't get the ball all the way up the ramp:) Cory got to ride the train in the mall and loved it. We got back around 8pm. (Forgot my camera so didn't get any pics today)
That was pretty much our week! Fun but busy! Today we are looking forward to watching the Hunger Games and seeing UK/UofL play!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a busy week! I love those pics from his haircut!!!

    Also, what great deals from Traderbaker's. They have some pretty good stuff, you just have to look for it!
