Friday, August 24, 2012

Cory at 22 & 23 months

For some reason I woke up a little before 4am this morning and just haven't been able to go back to sleep.  Normally I sleep great without waking so not sure why I am wide awake but I think it was just that I started thinking of all the things I need to get together for vacation (we leave Saturday and I haven't packed anything yet) and just thinking of upcoming events and things to do and so I thought since I'm not sleepy I might as well write a post on my most favorite subject, Cory! 

I can't believe my little man will be 2 in a couple weeks and I want to remember what he has been learning and doing so thought I'd write about the last 2 months.  He has been talking and talking more and more and I LOVE his little is just so sweet to hear him talk and be able to have mini conversations with him.  I feel like I understand him so well and he has such a loving personality...always giving the best hugs and kisses and even says "Love you Mama" which seriously melts my heart when I hear it and puts me up on a cloud just happy as can be. 

Right now he is like a parrot and during the day will mimic back to me words that i say to him.  He is like a sponge now and absorbing everything we do and say so we really have to be careful (not that John and I use cuss words in our language) but sometimes we will say things that we think he's not listening and kids are really smarter than we realize so don't be fooled to think that they won't pick up on our actions or when we are being negative they can sense the mood we are in. 

These quote are true:
"The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice" Peggy O'Mara
"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, not matter what.  If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff" "Cathering Wallace"

Cory is becoming more and more independant so I am trying to help him make his own choices some during the day.  Like he always get to pick out his breakfast (of course I would say no to snack food) but he usually just picks yogurt or cereal. 
He tries to help dress himself but can't quite do it but he will help raise his shirt up for me when i change his outfit. 
He is getting such a good memory and I try to keep a good routine so things are usually pretty repetitive.  For example, the other day he saw a green tractor in a garage of a neighbors house and the next day it wasn't there but he remembered and pointed where it was the day before and said "gween tractor".
He knows that when we go out shopping or to the library if we ever are in a parking lot, he knows we hold hands and will grab mine before walking. 
He loves to go to church and sing songs at bible class and he has learned sooo many songs.  We also sing songs every night after reading a couple books as part of his bedtime routine because I can see how much he enjoys the songs and will sing out and do the hand motions to the ones like "Itsy Bitsy spider" and "The wheels on the bus".  Of course he can't sing them exact but he knows the tune and a majority of the words to quite a few songs like "Jesus loves me", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "ABC's", & "Old MacDonald".
He loves to jump on the trampoline and play outside, chase butterflies, play with the pups and swing.  He loves taking our evening family walk in the jogging stroller with the pups and John and I.  He points out every car, plane, mailbox and what color it is, every bird, cat, dog or bug. 
When we are driving I catch myself noticing all the cars and trucks because Cory always points and says whether it is a car, truck or bus and he loves seeing the "choo choo train".  It is funny because now even when I drive by myself I will say in my head what something is when I pass things that he points out in the car rides. 
He not only mimicks me but also his cousin and friends.  When Kayla comes over it is quite a funny sight to see.  They run around chasing each other and Cory is her little copy-cat saying and doing what she does.  He also copies his little friend Avery and turned into a crawler again
He is Mommy's big helper now around the house and can pick up his toys and when he sees me doing some cleaning, he wants to as well.  Like one day I was scrubbing a section of the wall with a magic eraser and he insisted on doing the same so I let him scrub away :)

He also knows his colors very well and can point out and say red, green, yellow, blue, purple, orange, pink, black, & white.  I think our neighbor was amazed at Cory when he came over one day and told them what color shirt and pants they had on.

He knows so many animals and the sounds they make and says what they are. 

He knows his opposites like if something is "wet or dry" "cold or hot" "big or small" etc.

I love the way he says "kkkaaayyy"  for okay and he started saying "thanks" after I get him something he asked for.

I can't take him anywhere without getting complimented on how adorable he :) is which makes me blush.  He plays it off well too with extra smiles and knows when the old ladies are talking about him. It's either comments on his adorable brown eyes, or "look at those curls", or have had some say "they don't come any cuter than that".  Of course that makes me feel good but the comments about him being a heartbreaker in the future or that I'm going to have my hands full make me not even want to think about him getting old enough to date....I want him to be my baby forever ;)

One of my favorite books to read him is called "Love you Forever" by Robert Munsch and Sheila McGraw and though it nearly makes me tear up everytime I read it, it is just so sweet and even made the hubby tear up  a little when he read it (shh don't tell him I said

He is just such a joy and I am completely smitten by him and so thankful to have him in my life.  Of course he's crazy about his daddy too but a lot of times he's my little Momma's boy and just makes me happier than I could have imagined...I almost think I can see myself with 3 little Campbell boys running around the house and would be thrilled, haha.  Boys or girls, they are both God's precious gifts and I certainly learned that even though you may lean towards a boy or girl in the beginning, whichever God blesses you with is really all you ever wanted and you can't imagine life without your own special bundle of joy once they arrive. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

What we've been up to at the Campbell house!


 Cory helps me sort the veggies of Cory's favorite things and he loves his new art desk!

Eating of course!

Playing in water!

Giving the giraffe!

Spending time with the cousins swimming and hanging out!

And I don't have any pics but Cory also got to have a playdate with his friends!  We went over to our friends house yesterday and Cory got to spend time with his friend Alaynah and she is just one month younger and they play really well together and last friday my neighbor came over with her grandkids and they all got to play outside for a while and Cory and Maggie are also just one month apart and it is so adorable to see them interact with each other!

                                                                        (pic of the drum pendant)
This week Cory and I are in northern ky staying with John for a couple days at a fancy schmancy hotel and Cory is loving it so far...he has so much fun traveling and seeing new places!  The fun thing about John's job is when able, we can travel with him to different places in Ky.  He didn't really have to stay in a hotel this week since it's only like an hour or so from our house but he decided to since I wasn't busy so Cory and I can just come up with him and we can make a mini vaca out of it and stay in his free hotel room.  Cory and I are going to go to Ikea since I have always wanted to check it out and we are going to go to the aquarium since he has never been to one I'm sure he will think that is cool then this evening hit up the pool and hottub!  John just got back from Washington DC for 2 weeks of training, which is not a typical thing but he had a great time and got to see his college roomate and hang out with him on weekends so that was cool!  I took the time he was gone and did projects around the house that I had started and never finished.  I painted Cory's bookshelf and toyshelf a navy blue color from original oak and my Dad came over and installed a new light in our kitchen.  We had a white fan with brass color rim and around the light bulb which looked dated and since we never use the fan in the kitchen anyway I got a more modern looking drum pendant on amazon and got a great deal on it for just $50 down from $250 so I was happy about that!  It was in the warehouse online for having a damaged box but the product itself was in perfect condition.  My Dad also installed a new front door for us because the original builders really must have messed up the frame because it was crooked and not from the house settling but like it was built that way so it warped the front door making it hard to open and shut and leaving a slight gap in the top corner which wasn't good for air to excape.  So two years after moving in we finally got that project done! Here is a pic of the drum pendant!  I love having my hubby and Dad be such handyman's so between the two of them pretty much anything can get done around the house without hiring someone to install stuff which is nice.  John and I also got to celebrate a nice date night Saturday night and went see "The Dark Night" in theater and went to the melting pot after which was oh so yummy!  Have a happy week!