10 things All About Cory:
1. He loves trains! He always wants to play with his train set! He is really into anything that moves.... cars, any type of truck, firetrucks, garbage trucks, dump trucks, etc. He also loves dinosaurs and airplanes!
2. He loves coins! He has a piggy bank that he wants to play with all the time and will empty out his coins and put them back in and count them. He also loves to sort things by color. He will take his foam letters and line them up by color by himself and will clap afterward.
3. He is like a little teddy bear in the mornings, around nap time and in the evenings. All he wants is cuddle time with Mommy. We sit in the recliner and watch his favorite show and just cuddle up. He is also very silly and makes me laugh everyday with some of the things he does.....he is a total ham!
4. He is the most affectionate little boy and gives me sooo many hugs, kisses and "I love you's" throughout the day that always makes me feel so special to be his Mommy! He holds my hand when we go out places.
5. He loves his doggies. He now really loves playing with Nick and Lucky. When we are out of the house and come back home before we pull in the driveway Cory is always in the back seat cheering with excitement "Nick and Lucky, Nick and Lucky". He loves those pups! Here's Lucky and Nick at a bonfire at our house.
6. He is the typical boy in that he likes to get dirty. He likes to play in the mud on a rainy day or splash around in the puddles, he loves searching for bugs, playing with rocks and sticks outside and trying to climb trees.
7. He loves to run and play sports and be active. He had a ton of fun in Florida over Christmas playing kick ball with Daddy and Grandpa. Here he is wearing Daddy out :)
8. He loves books and likes when we sit down in the evenings before bed to read. He also loves going to storytime at the library each week.
9. He is not the typical boy in the fact that he can be very cautious. He won't go downstairs at new places without holding Mommy's hand, he's never tried to climb out of his crib, he doesn't attack new activities aggressively but approaches them carefully until he feels comfortable and knows it is safe...like new playgrounds, etc. And he can be a bit shy at first meeting new people.
10. He is great with other kiddos. He's pretty good about sharing toys. He has always been very sweet to babies and younger kids and I know he will make a great big brother. I'm sure it will be an adjustment along the way and will be some jealousy at times for my attention but my intuition tells me he will be great when the baby comes along and will be nuturing. The biggest thing I will do is to let him be a helper because he loves to help out Mommy around the house. He can bring me diapers and just be a part of the daily routine of taking care of Cameron. I will also still spend one on one time with Cory too each day to help.
I feel like I am figuring out my little boy. Boys were a mystery to me, especially toddler boys since I never had boys in my family. That is the main reason I saw myself having a girl just because I thought it would be easier and I would know what to expect because I am a girl and understand what goes through our minds. Boys I had no clue! I feel like at this stage I am learning new things every day but I have learned how to relate to him and truly connect and have that strong mother-son bond. I know what makes him happy, what makes him tick, what he is into and I am finding out more and more ways to entertain a toddler boy and of course now couldn't imagine life without him. His charm and personality is coming out more and he says things that surprise me every day. He really does pick things up like a sponge, he never ceases to amaze me. The other day John was complimenting me and he asked Cory his opinion and John said "Is Mommy pretty" and Cory said "No, Mommys beautiful". I had no idea where he got that but boy did it make this Momma feel great! Of course he said it more like "bootiful" but it was the sweetest thing. He is my little pal and I just hope we will always raise him up the right way to be a respectful gentleman who knows how to treat a lady. Of course I secretly want him to be my "baby" forever though!
A couple more pics:
He can pass out & fall asleep anytime he's tired :) Here we are with grandma!
He still has some cute curls in his hair :)
When I tell him to smile, he says "cheese" and squints his eyes and gives me this cheesy smile :)