Saturday, May 26, 2012

19 & 20 months

Happy Memorial Day!  So I haven't done a post in a little while all about my favorite little person so I thought I would catch up on things he is up to now.  He is now 20 months and I can't hardly believe my baby is turning into a little boy so fast!  First off, he slept in til 8am this morning and I actually woke up before him....he is sleeping so great and I love it...has been such a weight lifted! 

It is so fun to see what he's interested in and how much he can say and how he understands a lot of what we say now.  Here are some things he is doing now in a list of randomness!

  • Names body parts and points: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, belly, arms, legs, knees, feet, etc.
  • Enjoys when I run with him in the jogging stroller now which he used to not care for
  • Loves books! 
  • I started working on his ABC's and he can point to several of the magnetic letters on the fridge and can say which letter it is. 
  • Says a lot of words....too many to list on here but my favorite is how he says "mama" in his sweet little voice :)
  • For breakfast he will go to the fridge and point to get his yogurt out and goes to the spoon drawer to get his spoon and asks for his milk.
  • If we want him to try something or do something and he doesn't want to, he will repeat "No, No, No"
  • He likes to run and twirl around in a circle and climb like a monkey....he now can climb up the swing set by himself in our yard and slide down the slide.
  • He just became very interested in coloring so we have our color time and get the crayons out and paper and he likes to scribble.
  • He gives the sweetest hugs and kisses and he enjoys cuddle time when he's tired which totally melts my heart!
  • He can brush his teeth and his hair
  • He can name a lot of different animals and say their different sounds

Tantrums are upon us now!  The first one he did, I didn't know what to do but laugh because I hadn't seen him act like that before (on the ground hollering and kicking legs around) was a bit amusing and over something silly like not getting a second pack of fruit snacks.  It tested my patience for a little while there, but luckily those moments are just occassional and seem to be when he is overly tired or overly stimulated.  He's usually happy and a really good boy so I feel lucky since he's pretty easy going for the most part....but don't get me wrong, he has his moments where he can go from calm to throwing a fit in a matter of seconds if he doesn't get his way on something or if he can't figure something out but I think that is typical at this age when they have so much new stuff to learn and testing out the waters of what they can or can't get away with.  I have learned to be firm and stand my ground when necessary(on things he shouldn't do or if he's misbehaving) but to give in to things that maybe I don't want to do but things that would make him pushing toy lawnmowers down  the driveway 20 or more times ;)

He weighs a little over 30 pounds now and his favorite show is still the Bubble guppies.  We don't watch a lot of TV and actually recently downgraded in our channel selection because we are just so outdoorsy that we werent using most of the channels but the basics so now he just watches some morning cartoons on the baby first channel which is also educational, then we turn it off until the evening where he will watch more of the baby first channel.  He used to watch a little Kung Foo Panda and loved it but when we realized he was picking up on all the moves like a little sponge, we figured that probably wasn't the best show even thought it was a G-rated cartoon ;)

Below is something I did from one of my favorite editing programs, Picasa!  It was so easy you just upload a photo, click on "text", choose the font and size and color and after you have all the words on the pic you want, hit "apply" and "save".  It was something easy and I think I may start doing it as the months go along.  I just put his favorite things in words and some things he says and it looks like a magazine cover:)  

1 comment:

  1. I love that idea! The picture and the main thing he is up to at that time!!!!

    He is just so cute!
