Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 Peas in a Pod :)

Wanted to do a Father's Day post and didn't make it in time before it was over so wanted to share a few pics of John and Cory.  Cory is crazy about his Daddy and John sure is proud of his baby boy!  John is such a wonderful and fun Dad!  He gets down on the floor and plays and they rough house....he's the total guy's guy but in the same instance a total softy and gives him tons of hugs and snuggles and can kiss boo boo's magically making them better.  I love John's childlike heart and how he always makes time for Cory and first thing he does when he gets home is grab him to play and pretty much takes over (which has been nice for this Momma to get a break:)  Cory has so much fun with him!  He is also a great husband and I love how family oriented he is.  Growing up his family was family-oriented but at the same time they worked long long hours during the week and worked weekends so they always had to miss his sporting events and school functions to provide for their family so this helped him to realise that it is the time that is most important and valuable....not all the other stuff.   John always talks about how involved he wants to be when Cory goes off to school and to try to never miss a sporting event and to have family game nights.  I love how he now gets every friday off work and we have started Family Fun Friday!  We have made a list of things to do and will pick one each friday to spend time as a family. Friday's are so nice to do things because most places aren't nearly as crowded.  We listed the basics like the zoo, pool day at home or aquatic center, aquarium, ka-zoing(a fun place for the kids to play), picnic at the park, etc.  Besides being a great guy, he is also a fabulous cook and pretty much the chef for the family.  I feel so happy to have married my best friend and someone I love being around and spending my life with. 

Cory and Daddy

Like father, like son:)  These 2 can fall asleep anywhere! 

Goofy pic John did as a before/after the insanity workout. 

This was taken a couple months ago but thought it was a funny family pic.....Cory must have been totally bored. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lotsa work and a little play :)

This past week has probably been one of the busiest we've had in a while so this weekend I am totally looking forward to doing lotsa play and just a little work.  John will be on a boys trip with his high school buddies this friday and stay the night at Blue River in Indiana and will be back Sat evening so I am going to take Cory to the park to feed the ducks, we will probably have a pool day at the house and jump on the trampoline a lot and maybe take him out for a mother/son date to McDonalds for his first happy meal...lol. 
Oh yeah, we got a trampoline this weekend!  It has been a wish of mine for as far back as I can remember.  In elementary I would pay a quarter every time to the neighborhood kid who used to charge a fee to jump, in middle school my friend Kathy had one so I would be at her house all the time jumping, then even in high school I would sneak over to my friend Kate's house while they were on vacation(with permission from them) and be jumping away in my own little happy zone.  My Mom always said we didn't have the yard space for it so now I am happy to have the yard space and no excuse not to get one.  So I told people we just HAD to get one for Cory when in reality it is totally for me as well but Cory does love it already! 
I planned a playdate at my house this past monday(yesterday) to get some stay at home mom's and their kiddos together that I have become friends with and my sister as well since she is so close now.  We are going to start doing a monthly play group and rotate houses but I think I will do the next one as well because this one was supposed to be a pool party and the rain kinda changed our plans so we played inside but would like to have the pool day before the older kids start back to school in Aug.  The play group was a lot of fun and so nice to connect with other moms who stay home and the kids played so well together!  There were 5 moms and 8 kiddos and I made lunch for us all and it lasted from 10:30am-1:30pm.  I procrastinated the house work so I had to work a lot over the past weekend to get the house clean since it was such a disaster and I had to get all the groceries.  Sunday we helped my sister move the stuff over to her house that she was storing temporarily at our house and took a couple loads in my Dad's van, we also set the trampoline up and had to do pool maintenance and I put together an outdoor storage bench to go in the pool area to store all the pool assesories and toys and keep them out of the rain.  We got the pool all nice and clean and clear blue in color and I can't wait to hop in again.
 Saturday John took a big load of junk to the trimble county dump.  We had things in the garage that the previous owner's left there when we moved in ....like old doors and scrap metal and wood and we cleaned out the 2 storage sheds we have in our backyard and got rid of all the junk in there so we can use them more wisely and free up space in our garage.  We are going to start an organizing project in our garage and get things neat and tidy in there and move some of the big stuff in the storage sheds.  We also had to do yard work which took up a lot of time Saturday since it is about 2.5 acres not including the woods and John went to pick the trampoline up at the store.  I tried to do some landscaping but we have mega work that needs done around the outside of the house and I want to get rid of all the ugly vines that were planted around the front of our house and want to put some pretty flowers there but may wait until next spring since it will be so much work and would rather start it up before summer months when it's not so hot out!  Then Saturday evening we celebrated my niece's 3rd birthday with a pizza party at my sister's new house.  Here's a few pictures of the evening. 

Then this past friday evening one of John's co-workers got married in Louisville so we got to dress up and have a date night while Cory was at Nana and Pap Pap's house.  We can clean up well once and a while I suppose :)

I also put together this little area(below) last week next to the garage door to help with incoming mail so John and I each have a box hanging up and know to look there to sort through the mail.

On top of the goings on around the house, John and I also started up a workout program called Insanity last week.  He got it free from work and was determined that we do it together so now when Cory goes to bed we do the workout of the day and it is fun but boy I am so sore!  I could hardly walk when I got out of bed the next morning...lol.  I should take a before/after pic and see if it is really working.  Have a great week!