Wanted to do a Father's Day post and didn't make it in time before it was over so wanted to share a few pics of John and Cory. Cory is crazy about his Daddy and John sure is proud of his baby boy! John is such a wonderful and fun Dad! He gets down on the floor and plays and they rough house....he's the total guy's guy but in the same instance a total softy and gives him tons of hugs and snuggles and can kiss boo boo's magically making them better. I love John's childlike heart and how he always makes time for Cory and first thing he does when he gets home is grab him to play and pretty much takes over (which has been nice for this Momma to get a break:) Cory has so much fun with him! He is also a great husband and I love how family oriented he is. Growing up his family was family-oriented but at the same time they worked long long hours during the week and worked weekends so they always had to miss his sporting events and school functions to provide for their family so this helped him to realise that it is the time that is most important and valuable....not all the other stuff. John always talks about how involved he wants to be when Cory goes off to school and to try to never miss a sporting event and to have family game nights. I love how he now gets every friday off work and we have started Family Fun Friday! We have made a list of things to do and will pick one each friday to spend time as a family. Friday's are so nice to do things because most places aren't nearly as crowded. We listed the basics like the zoo, pool day at home or aquatic center, aquarium, ka-zoing(a fun place for the kids to play), picnic at the park, etc. Besides being a great guy, he is also a fabulous cook and pretty much the chef for the family. I feel so happy to have married my best friend and someone I love being around and spending my life with.
Cory and Daddy
Like father, like son:) These 2 can fall asleep anywhere!
Goofy pic John did as a before/after the insanity workout.
This was taken a couple months ago but thought it was a funny family pic.....Cory must have been totally bored.
They are so cute together!!!!!I love the insanity picture and the one of them both asleep! How funny!