Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dolly Wood!

We had a great 4th of July weekend!  Spent a few days in the Nashville area getting to see John's family and glad Cory got to spend time with his Grandparents and after that we went and stayed one night in Pidgeon Forge TN and we went to Dolly Wood twice there.  We went after 3pm the first day and got in the next day free.  :)  It was so much fun seeing the amusement park through Cory's eyes (for his first time) and seeing him light up and that he was having so much fun made it a great time for us as well.  Here's a re-cap in pictures:




He was so cute riding the ducks and had his serious concentrating look :)

One of his favorites was the carousel ride

Okay that was fun....what's next?

eeewww a snake

Hey guys there are ducks over there!

He is getting so big and can't believe my baby will be 2yrs old in less than 2 months.  Crazy how times flies when you have a little one and i am trying to soak up this time and really enjoy it because it is becoming more and more apparent to me each day that he won't be little for long....2 years has come and gone in a blink of an eye and I don't want to be handing him the car keys anytime soon so I am learning to never long for the next phase and really try to enjoy each day here and now....even the tantrums and all the things that comes with toddlerhood...okay so maybe I won't enjoy every second but I do want to make the best out of every situation that comes along, live and learn and have lots of fun along the way because life is really short when you think about it!  I don't want to wish away time, but rather cherish the memories in the making. When Cory wants me to hold him, I want to always make that time for him to smother him in kisses and hugs and "I love you's", when he wants me to play with him...I don't want to ever catch myself saying "I will later after I do laundry and dishes"....etc, but rather play with him right then and not worry about the chores being done or the piles of toys around the house...I just want to focus on the important things in life, cherish my relationships in my life with friends and loved ones, make time for those phone calls to people I care about, let them know they are important to me and to seize every minute.  I want to look at my life and really see it; live it and never look back at the "what if's" or "I should have's", and to STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF :)  

1 comment:

  1. Awww poor guy crying about the car!!!!!

    He looked like he LOVED it!!!! What a great family vacation!!!!
