Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Projects, Party & Pictures

This post is also just a catch-up post out of order but things that went on at the Campbell abode before we left for Daytona.  First I was going to show 2 little projects (updates) I did, then a funny pic from my Mom's Birthday party and lastly I did a little photo shoot for my niece to take her 3-year photos and wanted to post them for my sister :)

My sister was wanting a little fold out chair for her kitchen table that the kids sit at.  She already had one chair but needed another and told me to keep on the lookout for a good deal.  I didn't go to many yardsales this year but I did find this chair for $1.  It was faded out, a little rusted, the cushion was falling off on the bottom because it was missing screws and the top cushion was missing, but when I saw it I thought this could be updated to a cute little chair.   So 1 can of spray paint, 1 small piece of fabric and a new set of screws and..........

......now a cute little chair for my sister's kids table/art desk :) 

The last thing I did around our house was more of an update than a project but I was trying to figure out what would be best to go on the wall above our couch and since my favorite thing to display is photos, I found these frames at Ikea and put up a gallery wall that I can keep updated along the way with favorite pictures I've taken.  Before:
Here's the after where I can see my sweetie up on the wall everyday :)
Lastly, we had Mom's B'day party at my house and when she was opening her gift look at all the kiddos surrounding her...lol, I love that my dog Nick is right there looking like just another kid.  He always likes to be in on the action. 
And here is my sweet niece's 3 year photoshoot I took. She is such a cutie and so photogenic. 








  1. Wow, that chair transformation is AMAZING!!!!!

    And Kayla's pictures look great, she is photogenic!!!!

  2. That is a funny pic with Nick looking like one of the kids, love all the pictures of Kayla!

  3. Thanks for posting the pics of Kayla! They turned out adorable, I love them all!
