Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Before and Beyond Thanksgiving!

I am just going to do a bit of updating with some recent pics of what we have been up to. Before the weather turned so cold, Cory, his cousins and friends went on a hike at a nature preserve.  Cory loved it and that was his first hike in the woods other than romping around in our backyard woods.   He was the smallest one there but kept up with the bigger kids!
Below is Cory and his friend Avery coloring a pretty picture at the art desk!

My little dinosaur wanted to wear his costume for several weeks after Halloween was over :)


Cory in his new monster hat and mittens...getting ready for the colder weather.

Just me, Cory and Nick!

The days when I vacuum out the couch turn into "make a fort" day for the boys which is so fun for Cory!

My first pinterest project I did.... sunburst mirror made out of posterboard.

Cory now loves to wear Mommy's big boots around the house which always cracks me up!
Here is our Christmas tree all decorated
Me and Nick in our reindeer ears :)

Cory's stocking is up...still have to put up Nick and Lucky's since John and I don't put one up for us. 
Cory LOVED decorating the tree this year!  He was so into it and just adores the Christmas tree....he wakes up every morning and that is the first thing he wants to look at and his eyes light up with a big grin on his face so it is really cute to see through his eyes! 
My latest photo at 17 weeks along!  So excited to find out the gender in just over 2 more weeks! 
We had a great Thanksgiving over at my sister's house with my parents and Ken's (my brother in laws) parents and the kids.  I didn't get any photos but there was lots of yummy food and we had a great time!  The weekend was lots of fun too and John took me out on a date night for my birthday and we watched Breaking Dawn part 2 in theater and I loved it!  My Mom and sister also took me out for a girls night to Rafferty's and to hang out while my Dad "Pap Pap" was the babysitter :)  John is out of town now for the week but he hasn't had to stay over night for a while now which has been nice.  He left Monday and he could have commuted but it was a 3 hour drive one way so we thought it would be best if he just stayed over the week but the good thing is he will be back Thursday evening because he always get Fri, Sat, Sun off during the week which has been great for all of us!  Turning 30 wasn't bad at all.  I guess I always thought that was so old when I was younger but I still feel like a kid somedays and Cory keeps me young so I don't feel any different to be out of my 20's.  :) 

Monday, November 19, 2012

16 weeks!

Week 16: These weeks are flying by without major change in my symptoms or my belly size so every 2 weeks is all I will probably keep up with.  Last Friday I had my 16 week appointment and heard the heartbeat again which was in the 150's still.  This will be the last belly shot because I'm pretty sure next time at 18 weeks you will be able to see my belly pooch out in my clothes.  It may just look like I had 1 too many twinkies though rather than a baby ;)

Syptoms: No symptoms hardly.  So far this pregnancy has been good to me!  Sleeping great and feeling great...only thing is my bladder gets full fast to where i have to pee a lot but that is normal.  Also when I run (which I have only been running about twice a week now) it feels like there is pressure on my bladder which is a little uncomfortable but I want to stay somewhat active so I will keep running until I get too big. 

Weight Gain:  At the doctor this time I was 3 pounds over what my start weight was.  I don't attribute this to the baby but this is the result of how much we have been eating out in a short span of time.  With veteran's day and so many places giving free meals, we ate free at Applebee's, Ponderosa all you can eat buffet, and Red Robin all in that weekend...lol.  Then my parents took us out to Cracker Barrel shortly after and our friends from church Terra and Victor took us out to El Nopal and my Mom and Dad took me out when John was out of town to El Alcupulco where I ate the whole plate of chicken chimichangas!  Makes me feel stuffed just thinking about it!  Now with my birthday on Wed, Thanksgiving on Thurs, and Christmas around the corner, there will be lots and lots of food so my belly may expand more than it should...lol.

 Gender: Still unknown until Dec 14th.  I thought it would be fun to have a small gender reveal party with the fam and make them wait to find out until they come over to my house that evening and I was going to make a cake and put with blue or pink icing in the center.  My Mom keeps telling me she wouldn't be able to stand the wait but I think it would make it more exciting than just telling my parents over the phone while they are at work.  My appt is 8:30am so I will see if I am even able to resist sharing right away. 

Movement: Still nothing yet but now that I am getting closer to 18 weeks I think it will happen soon so I am excited!  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

14 weeks!

I haven't really been posting much about the pregnancy because often times I feel there not much to post so far about it but I did want to start maybe doing a little weekly post with pic to show my growth and just any new things from the week.  Here is my current pic taken today at 14 weeks.  Sorry for the belly shot, just didn't think it did the little bump any justice with my shirt down and here you can at least see that a little bump is forming. 

Week 14:  I am measuring a couple days ahead at the doctor but they left my due date May 5th since it wasn't much off.  So far this pregnancy has been easy and no major symptoms so sometimes I may even forget or not think about the fact that I am pregnant.  I am staying busy with Cory and always taking care of him that the time is going quicker so far.  Last pregnancy I was obsessed with reading all the week by week books and knowing exactly what was going on and this one I was going to but haven't opened a book yet so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Not that I am not as excited or concerned with this one but I guess I just kind of have gotten lazy in that area this time around or something.  Last time I knew always what week I was in and usually even what day but now when asked what week I am on I sometimes forget if it is 13 or 14 or what week it is.  But I do want to be more aware and keep up with this one and fill out my pregnancy journal and not let myself get lazy in the future with taking pics and keepsakes for the new baby.  I think Cory had 1,000 photos by the time he was like 3 months old so I don't want to be one to not capture the same specials memories for my next. 

Syptoms:  The only symptom I have had was slight nausea in the first trimester.  Never to the point of having to run to the bathroom to relieve it, I could always control it eating small meals throughout the day.  Now that I am out of the first trimester I think I am in the clear because I have felt great for a week or so without any nausea.  No trouble sleeping, no other issues. 

Weight Gain:  I am actually about 3 pounds less than when I first found out I was pregnant.  Maybe the excersize and half marathon had something to do with that because I am eating a ton!  I am still wearing all my same clothes but today I did pull out my maternity box because I am excited for when I do start showing and get a "new" wardrobe.  I did wear a maternity top today, not because I needed to but because I wanted to :)

Gender:  Unknown at this point.  I find out at 20weeks, my appointment is Dec 14th and I can't wait!  John thinks girl, I think it will be a boy because everything has been exact same this pregnancy so far with syptoms and all and the heartbeat has been 150's. 

Movement:  None yet but this is something I am so excited for and I think will make the pregnancy so much more real when I feel the little flutters and kicks!