Sunday, November 4, 2012

14 weeks!

I haven't really been posting much about the pregnancy because often times I feel there not much to post so far about it but I did want to start maybe doing a little weekly post with pic to show my growth and just any new things from the week.  Here is my current pic taken today at 14 weeks.  Sorry for the belly shot, just didn't think it did the little bump any justice with my shirt down and here you can at least see that a little bump is forming. 

Week 14:  I am measuring a couple days ahead at the doctor but they left my due date May 5th since it wasn't much off.  So far this pregnancy has been easy and no major symptoms so sometimes I may even forget or not think about the fact that I am pregnant.  I am staying busy with Cory and always taking care of him that the time is going quicker so far.  Last pregnancy I was obsessed with reading all the week by week books and knowing exactly what was going on and this one I was going to but haven't opened a book yet so I have a lot of catching up to do.  Not that I am not as excited or concerned with this one but I guess I just kind of have gotten lazy in that area this time around or something.  Last time I knew always what week I was in and usually even what day but now when asked what week I am on I sometimes forget if it is 13 or 14 or what week it is.  But I do want to be more aware and keep up with this one and fill out my pregnancy journal and not let myself get lazy in the future with taking pics and keepsakes for the new baby.  I think Cory had 1,000 photos by the time he was like 3 months old so I don't want to be one to not capture the same specials memories for my next. 

Syptoms:  The only symptom I have had was slight nausea in the first trimester.  Never to the point of having to run to the bathroom to relieve it, I could always control it eating small meals throughout the day.  Now that I am out of the first trimester I think I am in the clear because I have felt great for a week or so without any nausea.  No trouble sleeping, no other issues. 

Weight Gain:  I am actually about 3 pounds less than when I first found out I was pregnant.  Maybe the excersize and half marathon had something to do with that because I am eating a ton!  I am still wearing all my same clothes but today I did pull out my maternity box because I am excited for when I do start showing and get a "new" wardrobe.  I did wear a maternity top today, not because I needed to but because I wanted to :)

Gender:  Unknown at this point.  I find out at 20weeks, my appointment is Dec 14th and I can't wait!  John thinks girl, I think it will be a boy because everything has been exact same this pregnancy so far with syptoms and all and the heartbeat has been 150's. 

Movement:  None yet but this is something I am so excited for and I think will make the pregnancy so much more real when I feel the little flutters and kicks! 


  1. You look great!!!!!!!!!

    Glad your morning sickness has gone away!!!!

    The only thing I miss about pregnancy is the bump and kicks, I bet you can't wait for both!!!

    I think boy too!

  2. You look so cute! I can't wait to find out what baby Campbell #2 will be!
