Monday, June 24, 2013

Cameron Week 8 & 9 (2 months)

Baby Cam,
You have been so much fun your first 2 months.  Thinking back to when your brother was 2 months and I was a new Mom feeling unsure about a lot of things, wow what a difference experience this has been!  I can truly say I have enjoyed you as a newborn and I feel so much more comfortable now and think you can probably sense that I feel calm and relaxed because you have been just the most easy going baby and go with the flow of our schedule every day. 
About You:
You rarely ever cry. no evening fussy spells, you are starting to talk more with the little baby coo noises and you are a smiley, happy baby!
At your 2 month apt, your weight was 13 pounds, 10 ounces (82nd percentile) and
24 inches long (89th percentile)
You are doing great now!  You had a runny nose and congestion that started this past Thursday and was sad to see you stuffy but today you are much better!  Thankfully no fever yet or anything else and the heart murmur sound is already gone when the doctor checked!
You have made me one happy Momma in this department so I hope I don't jinx myself but you have been an awesome sleeper the past 2 week!  You have been sleeping an average of 7 or 8 solid hours each night and I can lay you in your crib swaddled in the miracle blanket and you go down around 10:30pm and wake to eat around 5:30-6:30am!  Amazing!!  The miracle blanket was worth every penny because it happened after I tucked you tight in it!  After you eat you go back to sleep a couple more hours! 
Getting into more of a routine now that you stay awake longer spans in the still sleep a lot but when you are awake you hang out for a couple hours we have you in a good nighttime routine now where you get your bath and you seem to know when it is time for bed when I wrap you up. 
Clothing size:
The 3 month is getting tight so I have been putting you in some 3-6 month already!
Still size 1 but I think he will be moving up soon
Just Momma's milk
You are able to grib little toy rings and you were able to pull the little handle on your bouncer causing the music to turn on.  You rotate with your swing, bouncer, floor mat and you like to sit in the boppy pillow on the couch and look at the pictures on the wall. 
 You can grab onto rings and hold onto them
You smile at voices/familiar faces
You can follow objects side to side
You started "talking"
You went to your first cookout/bonfire
You won't take a paci still
You LOVE bath time!
Favorite thing lately was when you gave Nana a smiling session, & even laughed a little when Nana talked to you
Least favorite thing that happened you got your 1st runny nose/cold/congestion.  started last Thursday through the weekend but doing much better today and it didn't seem to phase you much! 
8 weeks
 Bored with pics
 Hanging out with brother
2 month photo shoot

One-eyed smile

Sweet cheeks

Crazily you have given me a desire for more babies and I didn't think that would happen.  If I knew they'd be as good as you I would want like 5 no joke but I doubt that will happen!  :)
After your 2 shots and oral vaccine at the doctor:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cameron's Completed Nursery - Grey and Yellow Giraffe

Here is the nursery final reveal post.  Coming into the room, here is the tour...sorry pic heavy!
Twin bed for me to use at night

 DIY Mobile



DIY Banner

Gallery wall


Monday, June 17, 2013

Cookouts & Waterslides - I love Summer!!

This was such a fun week & weekend!  We did our craft day on Monday making animals out of Clay and letting them dry, then painting them!  Tues Cory's best buddy Avery came over to play and they had a lot of fun together.  Here's their photoshoot!

                                                 First pic I took they were looking a little shy

Having fun together

Telling secrets!

They are such Sweeties!

Wednesday Clay and Kayla came over for "Wet Wednesday".  We recently got a really fun inflatable water slide so John set it up and it was a blast!  Seeing Cory's face light up was the best part and how excited he was over it.  I figured we would get lots of use out of it and it would be great for Cory's birthday party or just summer get together play dates.  Renting one would probably be expensive for just 1 day so we will get our moneys worth buying it and I got it for a great deal at kohl's and I love how it only takes 2 minutes to inflate. 


Three partners in crime!


Thursday we took a trip to  the library and hung out there for a while and Friday we went to a cookout with friends Collin and Alyssa.  They have a daughter 1 month younger than Cory and a baby girl 2 weeks older than Cameron!  Cory plays so great with Alaynah and we hung out until about 10:30pm cooking smores by the bonfire! 

Then Saturday, we went to our next door neighbors cookout!  Cory loves going to their house and we got to meet a lot of their family and friends and they had a band and a bounce house set up. Cameron did so good over there being passed around to different people wanting to hold him and he was just taking it all in.  These 2 boys are going to be best of friends I can already tell! 

Our plans the rest of the summer is just to have lots of fun ....we don't have any trips to the beach planned this summer since my parents sold their timeshare in Daytona, Fl, but we will be taking a weekend trip(fri-sun) to a lake in August with my parents, and my sister's family and we will be visiting John's family over 4th of July weekend in Nashville. 
Hope everyone's having a great summer!