How in the world did the last 2 weeks fly by so fast! This is a catch up post since I missed it last week but I wanted to share what you have been up to! We went to check out your heart murmur at the pediatric cardiologist and thank goodness it was just a normal murmur without concerns from the doctor. It was still scary for me to see you have to get several test run on you like an EKG of your heart and an ultrasound. You were such a champ though and didn't cry through any of it except the end when you were just getting hungry. We were told you had a tiny Atrial Septic Defect which sounds worse than it is but you have a tiny hole in between your right and left atrium. They found that with the ultrasound but that is not what was causing the murmur, it was actually coming from the passageway leading from the body to the lungs being a bit wider than the norm causing a slight extra noise there but he said as you age it will straighten up and disappear. As for the tiny hole, we would have never known but the doctor said lots of people probably have had one or still do without knowing and that it doesn't do any harm and in most cases closes up on its own. He said it will never get bigger, only smaller and eventually close or if it doesn't, it still wouldn't cause issues. So we have truly been blessed that you are healthy and that this was the worst of your issues! When I brought you home, I couldn't help but hold you and rock you to sleep and watch you all peaceful in baby dreamland and just thanked God for blessing me with such a perfect little angel!
6 weeks
Some funny things I want to remember about you at this age is the noises you make, I call you my little goat because you sometimes make a noise that sounds just like a baby goat. Also I can't help but laugh when you let the loud toots, especially during church in a prayer when all is quiet you will let one rip. Also when you are really hungry you make a funny "Pop-eye" face where you squint one eye and open your mouth wide on one side...I always know it's time to feed you. You also pucker your lips and it makes me laugh when you do it for a long stretch.
Pucker Face
Your sleep is hit or miss...some nights you will go 6 hours straight then the next be up every couple hours. You are starting to not sit in your swing as much and you'd rather be held. You will last half an hour at a time but not much longer. You sit in your bouncer for a bit and get bored with that too. So now when I need to vacuum or clean house, I just put you in the ergo baby carrier (which you love) and Momma can get all my work done as you sleep through it all.
Vacumming in
You are getting to be quite the chunk and I love how kissable your cheeks and you have cute little chubby rolls on your arms and legs. When you went to your doctor apt you were already about 12 pounds so you have gained nearly 1 pound a week! I feed you Mommy's milk about every 3 hours. You are in 3 month clothes now and size 1 diapers. You hate pacifiers and spit it out now when I try to give you one. We still haven't put you in your crib yet but I am actually going to test it out tonight since we got a spare monitor now to where you can have one and I will keep one in Cory's room. Hope you will be able to still sleep good but I will miss you not by my side!
Your brother can't get enough of you!
You love to gaze around the room and look at the bookshelf and you are becoming so observant and love watching your brother play. Just in the last 2 days you have gotten so smiley and I love it. You now don't just smile in your sleeping or when passing gas, but you smile at me talking to you and when I tickle your neck. You have such a cute smile but I haven't caught it yet on camera lately so I will try to have my camera nearby in the next couple days to capture your smile.
Photo Dump:
On Sunday you turned 7 weeks old!In the pic below I felt a rumble in your
And here's what you daddy and brother were doing...playing in the hot tub (bath water warm)
How fun, he is just too cute! And Cory is adorable with him! Glad he is healthy and there are no worries!!!! See you tomorrow!