Monday, January 13, 2014

Year in Review!

In feb/mar, we worked on getting the nursery all ready for bringing home baby!  Took a complete transformation from pink wall to grey/white stripes and neutral colors with pops of yellow.

On April 21st, baby Cameron Alexander was born!  I couldn't fathom loving another baby as much as I loved Cory but the day he was born realized there your love for your kids does not divide but only multiplies!  He has brought so much love into our family and we felt complete once we brought him home with our little family of 4!  I'm so happy to have 2 boys, brothers, best friends for life!  Couldn't imagine life any other way!

May 12th, John and I celebrated our 8th anniversary together!  He is truly my best friend, best husband and best Daddy all wrapped up in one.  So happy we met running on the track at WKU 12 years ago.  

1st of June, we signed up to run in the Memphis Marathon and had 6 months to train for it.  I loved getting back into running shape but unfortunately due to bad weather/ice storm the marathon this December was cancelled!  Luckily we got to transfer our money to run in the Country Music Marathon next April so we will look forward to that!  It wasn't a big loss because even though we trained, it is still good for my body, mind so I don't feel like it was a loss in any way.

August - went on a family weekend vacation with the family at Lake Cumberland. 

In Sept, we had officially bought and closed on our Florida house that John's parents are renting.  Got a steal of a deal and they are loving the house!  Visited his parents for a week and went to the National Naval Aviation Museum. Cory turned 3 yrs old on the 9th and I won my first post pregnancy race..the Michael Brent 5K. 

In October we went to Gallrein Farms with friends Kalyn & Ray and Avery for pumpkin picking.  We also went to WKU for a little reunion with the RA's John worked with at our old living hall PFT and we celebrated with a Halloween party at Bill and Camellia's from church and the kids got to dress up & go on a hay ride where they had candy stops around their neighborhood. 

November 21st - my 31st birthday and we bought a van!  One thing about John and I is that we like a good deal and don't like to buy anything we can't afford.  We got a nice deal on a 2006 Chrysler Town and Country Touring minivan, paid for it in cash and have luckily been able to be debt free since we got married, with only debt now being our house payment.  We spent Thanksgiving at my sister's house this month as well!

December was filled with parties...our church xmas party, an ornament party, a secret santa party with the kids from church, and we had a get together with my family over at our house to open gifts.  Santa came and brought the kiddos lots of new toys and Cory got to play in the snow and build a gigantic snow man.
Since I am terrible at printing pics, I want to start doing a yearbook with all my favorite pics in a photo book.  This was a great year and I'm sure there were many more great memories but these are some from my year.


1 comment:

  1. What a great year for you all! I am sad about the pics, because it is so fun to see those cute little boys of yours! See you tomorrow, Avery is already talking about it!
