Symptoms: Other than a growing belly I haven't had too many pregnancy symptoms which is good. My face has broken out a little and I have to pee more than normal but other than that I feel pretty great!Weight Gain: At my 30 week appt I had gained 14 pounds total so far and baby is measuring the right size and not ahead or behind.
Gender: Boy! I really can't wait to see what he looks like and if he looks like Cory or totally different. We were going to do a 30 week ultrasound to see his features now in 3D but we decided to let it be a surprise and not try to see him until he comes in 10 weeks.
Movement: Lots of movement! He moves a lot in the evenings especially and when Cory is talking near me he seems to move around quite a bit. I am excited for Cory to meet his brother. He knows now and seems to understand that a baby is in my belly and will put his ear there to try and hear him.
I can't believe you were 30 weeks already it's gone by so quickly. I think back to how ginormrous I was at 30 weeks and its crazy how you are all belly. I can't wait to meet your little guy and see Cory be a big brother.