Friday, March 1, 2013

Nursery Part 1 - Theme Grey and Yellow nursery!

I don't think I have posted anything on the nursery yet except that the colors were going to be grey and yellow, so I wanted to give a sneak peak of a few things that I have bought so far and just do an initial post on the progress.  First I must say this has been so fun to pick out everything in my "dream" nursery and I already know I am going to love spending lots of time in this room!  With Cory's nursery, though I loved the monkeys and the fun jungle theme, I didn't actually pick it out since the jungle themed crib set was passed down to me from my sister, so I added some monkey wall decals and anything that I added to the room revolved around what we had already so there really wasn't much planning I had to do to get it ready.  With this one I started from scratch and got to pick out all of my favorite things and the color scheme and make it a modern but playful nursery.  It is no where near complete since John just got the first coat of paint down last weekend and another coat will need to be put on this weekend, then we will paint the light grey stripes the following weekend.  But after that I will get to start putting everything in it's place and organizing and John is also going to paint the furniture so that will be done in the upcoming weeks when the weather gets a little warmer.  Here are a few purchases I have made so far for the room.  We already had all the furniture so that was nice to not have to buy it, only thing is it is all oak colored so we will be painting it to match more with this room.
1.  The bedding "Not a Peep" (pic via Land of Nod): 
I bought this set and added a grey zig zag bumber from amazon to go with it since the Land of Nod doesn't sell bumpers.  I know they aren't recommended now but I was always a fan of having a bumper with Cory so his little legs and arms would get stuck in between the crib slats.  I also got the matching changing pad cover in yellow with white polka dots.

2. The Rocker chair (via amazon) 
Though I had a glider passed down to me from my sister it was in pretty bad shape so we are just going to sell it for cheap or give it to goodwill.  I found this one and liked the modern look and it is comfortable to sit in though it doesn't look like it would be ;) 
3.  Floor pouf (via target)  Instead of having an ottoman I got this floor pouf to prop my feet up on and to have something that could be used to sit on as well in the room.
4.  Giraffe (via amazon)  Of course we can't forgot the big giraffe that will be in the corner of the room;)  The room will have birds/giraffes in the mix. 

5.  The Sungabunny swing (via amazon)  Lastly I purchased this snugabunny swing.  I had actually borrowed a swing from my sister's friend when I had Cory and she needed it back when she got pregnant so I just picked out this one since it had mostly all postive reviews and I like how you can plug it into the wall instead of it only running off batteries.  I think it looks super comfy for Cameron to spend time in! 
After going through all my stuff from Cory, the only things on my 'items needed' list was a swing, a baby carrier and a monitor.  I already got the swing and will pick up a cheap monitor and my Mom is getting me the baby carrier.  I had a monitor for Cory but will pass that one on to Cameron so I actually just want a super cheap one to keep in Cory's room as well since I still like to hear when he wakes and he calls for me.  As for the baby carrier I have a baby bjorn but when I used it with Cory, it wasn't comfortable for me to wear for long and made my back and shoulders hurt so I thought especially now with having 2 kids I will be using the carrier a lot when I take them out places so I wanted it to be a good one.  So many people have said that the best baby purchase ever was their ergobaby carrier so my Mom got me this organic one at target and I absolutely love it and am so impressed by it already!  I can tell just by trying it on that it is going to have lots of lower back support and won't put the strain on my shoulders so I am looking forward to getting lots of use out of it and to still be able to stay active and do lots of outdoor activities with Cameron and Cory. It can be worn in the front when they are small or the back when baby gets older.  I could even carry Cory in it now on my back since it holds up to 45 pounds.  I love it and wish I had it with Cory when he was younger too and we could have done more family hiking and outdoorsy stuff without our backs hurting. 
I feel like we have everything else needed which is stroller, high chair, clothes, bouncer, playtime activity items, breast pump, etc. other than buying the neccessities like diapers/wipes/diaper cream we should be good to go!  Will post more nursery updates as we get stuff done! 


  1. Kristen, that is a BEAUTIFUL nursery. You should go into interior design someday!

    I love all the aspects of the nursery. I have a friend who has that chair and she swears by it!

    I love your carrier, I wish I would have gotten a nicer carrier as well!!!! This will work so well for your family and especially since Cameron is a spring.summer baby instead of a fall.winter baby like Cory was!

    1. Thanks girl! Glad you like it, I still have quite a bit to do but it is slowly coming along.

  2. Love It All!! Can't wait to sew how it turns out once everything is set up!

    1. Thanks Jen! I will hopefully get everything done before baby Cameron make his debut!
