Oh my...where did the last 3 weeks go?!?! Seriously, the time is flying by and I can't believe next week you will be 3 months old.
You are the most easy going baby I think I have ever known! You just never hardly cry, you are so smiley now and you just started giggling a couple weeks ago...totally cute!
You have such a happy disposition!\
In my next post I will have to show how much you actually do look like me...I will show my baby picture next to yours...it is crazy! I thought I'd end up with a Cory look-a-like but it is so cool to have a mini-Me and a mini-John! So far you look more like me than your Daddy so I think it is neat! Supposedly you are just like me as a baby according to my Mom. She said I was super easy going and she always likes to tell the story how I barfed all over myself in my crib as a baby and it didn't even phase me....I was just sitting in my crib smiling regardless of what I had all over me...yuck.
I thought your brother was an easy baby but boy was I wrong....he was difficult compared to you when I think back to his baby years.
I can't get over how well you sleep! Put you down in your crib every night around 9 or 9:30 and you wake sometime between 5:30 or 6 to eat, then you lay back down until 7:30 or 8am.
You don't like to stay still for too long, always moving your arms and legs and you love to stand up already with Mommy's help. You love the jogging stroller thank goodness! Training for a marathon while having 2 little ones is tough but I'm glad I can take you along for the ride and you take it all in ...the sounds, noises and sometimes you just go to sleep.
You love your hands and putting them in your mouth.
You love when I do the airplane with you and put you on my legs going up and down.
You "talk" to Mommy a lot now!
You are getting so big and chunky, I love it! Only thing it was kind of sad you had to retire your 3 month clothes so I boxed them back up and you wear 6 month clothes since you are too long for the 3 month! Your personality is coming out more and more every week and I love how you giggle and think Mommy is so funny when I fake sneeze or copy your little noises back to you.
Your cousins are in awe of you!
And your brother is still your biggest fan!!
We love you!
So cute!!!!!!! I thought he would look just like Corey to but he doesn't! he seems like such a sweet easy going baby!
ReplyDeleteYou've got some adorable kiddos!