Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week 13 & 14 (3 months)

Hard to believe you are 3 months old already!   I am loving this stage where your personality is really starting to show!  You are ticklish now and giggle and smile so much!  You have a happy disposition and just melt my heart with your big blue eyes and big grin! 
About You:
You only cry if you are hungry and you go from calm and collected to hunger crazy demanding in a matter of seconds (fat boy problems ;) but other than that you are one laid back, happy baby!  
Haven't checked since your last 2 month appointment so we will find out again next month but you are a chunky monkey.
Healthy thankful!
You are a champ in this department....I have to pinch myself because it is hard to believe I got lucky this time around and I hope it continues!  Every night you go down now between 9:30 and 10pm and sleep solid through the night without a peep until about 6:30am when you wake up to eat.  After I feed you, I lay you right back down and you sleep until 8:30am!  You are a lazy boy in the mornings even after you wake you love to cuddle in the recliner.   
Your naps are still random all throughout the day but we do have somewhat a routine of what we do each day and I have you do your tummy time and sit in the bumbo seat now or under the activity mat, etc.

Clothing size:
I have retired all your 3 month and boxed them up!  Sad my baby is growing so fast!  You are just in 6 month now...funny how you and your brother had the same growth spurt as babies! 

Size 2
Just Momma's milk
You can grab stuff now and put toys in your mouth.  You love chewing on your fingers now most though.  You love the kicking piano I put in your crib.  Next week we plan to pull out the exersaucer and let you try it out! 
With your Kicking Piano

Cory with his garbage truck
 Holding onto toys and bringing them to your mouth
You started laughing....cutest thing ever!
Your neck is so strong...doesn't even need to be supported anymore
Started "talking" more
Went swimming for the first time
Favorite thing lately was taking you swimming in our pool a couple times and you got to swim and have fun with your brother and cousins and you really enjoyed the water!  It was like bath water temperature so I'm happy it wasn't too cold for you!  Another favorite thing was going to Vacation Bible School with you and your liked watching the kiddos and Cory had so much fun!
Ready for a dip in the pool

Cory showing off all the stuff he did at Vacation Bible School!
Cory and cousin Kayla
Least favorite thing that happened was when you scratched yourself in the head and let out a cry like you were in pain! Momma clipped your nails right after though! 

We Love you!

1 comment:

  1. He is tooo cute! I love the fat boy problems!!!!!!!

    I also love how it looks like he is winking at the camera! What a cute, sweet, and laid back baby boy you have! His giggles are the cutest!
