Here is what he's been up to the past month!
100th Day celebration!
100 days old. In Korea it is custom to celebrate the babies 100th day and we did this for Cory in the same outfit so we did the same for Cam.
Loves his jumperoo!
Cameron is a Nana's boy!
1st trip to Lake Cumberland!
At the cabin by the lake!
My little cutie
He loves to jump!
4 months old!
Trying on his Halloween little shark!
Cory always loves to get in Cameron's crib with him!
Happy Boy!
1st trip to Florida!
One easy going baby!
About You:
-Weight: 17 pounds (81st percentile)
-Height: 26 inches (85th percentile)
-Health: You have been a healthy, happy boy!
-Sleep: You go down at 8:30pm and wake at 6am for a feeding then right back to sleep until 8am!
-Routine: After you wake at 8 or 8:30am we play for a bit and you take a nap again around 10 for an hour or so then play more until about 2pm and you nap about an 1& 1/2 hrs. then you are up until I get you ready for bed. You love to still be swaddled at night and your favorite activities are eating, jumping in the jumperoo, chewing on your fingers, sitting in the bumbo seat, watching your brother and being close to Momma!
-Clothing size: You can wear some 6 month still but are mostly in 6-9 month!
-Diaper size: Still in 2 but need to move to 3's soon.
-Diet: Exclusively breastfed. I started Cory at 4 months with the rice cereal in hopes he'd sleep longer but since Cam sleeps great at night regardless... I am going to wait until 6 months since I recently read that some studies show babies who breastfeed exclusive 6 months have less allergies, sickness, etc. May or may not be true but no need to rush so I will hold off on the solids until the 6 month mark.
-Toys: You love to chew on everything now...especially Sophie the giraffe and teething rings, you like the exersaucer and anything you can grab and hold onto.
-Milestones: Went on your first long road trip, rolled over stomach-to-back and back-to-stomach
-Eye color: You still have blue eyes...I am waiting for them to turn brown but who far they are blue like Momma's!
That shark costume!!!!!! He is too cute! I love hearing about him and how sweet he is!