Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cory at 3 yrs old!

Wanted to do a catch up post on my big man Cory since he just turned 3 last week!  Can't believe I have a three year old!  I looked back on my blog and it was fun to read everything he was doing at 2 years old in last October's post and wow what a difference a year makes when they are small! 

-Your vocabulary has expanded big talk in sentences and I understand majority of everything you try to say. 

-At 2 you knew all your colors and was starting to count but now you can differentiate between the basic colors to go in more detail like "light blue or dark pink" and you can count to 12 with ease. 
Once you get into the "teens" it gets all jumbled! 

-You can almost sing your ABC's all the way through but you have a few mess ups but you know the tune and just get stuck on certain parts of it.  You know every letter of the alphabet and we have the magnetic letters on the fridge which you have taken down one by one saying what the letter is and you got them all right!  I was impressed but I think your love for the Letter Factory DVD's has helped contribute to how fast you picked up learning your letters!  You love the catchy tunes!

-As for eating, you LOVE your chicken!  If you could eat chicken at every meal I think you would but you recently have expanded your diet to spaghetti sometimes, and you love mac n cheese and mainly anything with cheese.  You are a wonderful fruit eater but veggies...not so much!  You mainly like to drink water and milk & sometimes juice. 

-You still know all your shapes well and I recently got you a toy with magnetic shapes that you are obsessed with!  It's called Magformers and here is a picture (above) of the ball we made with it. 

-At the doctor you measured 37 pounds 4 ounces!  Holy moly we make some big are in the 92 percentile for weight.  Looking back at 2 yrs old you were 33 pounds so you gained 4 pounds in a year.  Your height is 39 inches (85th percentile) and head circumference 52cm. 

-Your shoe size is 11 & 1/2 and you love your blue shoes!

-You refuse to nap!  Unless you are by chance in a car you may fall asleep but naps are a thing of the past!  So 8pm bedtime is the goal every night and you usually sleep from 8-8am.  You are a great sleeper at night so that is what's most important to me!

-You went though an ordeal recently where you didn't want to take a bath.  I don't know why because you went from loving them to it being like torture to get you to take one and nothing negative happened in the bath like no water in your eyes or anything.  Luckily it was just a phase for about a month or so and now you are back to normal!  I realized it was more of a control thing....just trying to say no to something you knew you had to do anyway.  You can be the sweetest little boy majority of times but then turn into a Tasmanian devil out of no where it hits and you turn a little crazy moody boy for no real reason that I can find!  Not sure why it's called the terrible twos??  shouldn't it be the terrible three'!  I know it is a phase and it too shall pass!  I just tell you to use your words because I don't understand the whiny crying stuff.

-On the other side you are still so affectionate!  You hug me and tell me you love me randomly throughout the days which really makes any hard day turn around to the best day ever!  You are a special little boy! 

-You are fully potty trained and have been since shortly after you turned 2 although I do still keep a night time diaper on you because an occasional accident happens at night. 

-You love to "read" your books....this is typical Cory snuggled up with friends and a book!

-I think we may start you in a 2 day/half day preschool next fall.  I don't think you need preschool as much from the learning standpoint because I can teach you at home what you need to know going into Kindergarten but I think it would be beneficial to you from the social aspect of being with the other kids and to ease the transition from home all day with Mom to being dropped off at school.  You still have some separation anxiety when I drop you off at bible class with your friends! 

-You are the best big brother ever!  Cameron smiles all the time at you and just loves watching you and looks up to you already!  You take time for him giving him lots of attention and hugs and you have been such a great big brother!

-This year your Birthday party was bounce house and balls themed!  I barely got any pictures...bummer....and didn't even take one of the full bounce house, our neighbor Judy let us borrow her big bounce house for the day and we had a ball pit (inflatable pool filled with the plastic balls).  Here was the pictures I did get! 
Dairy Queen Ice cream cake I decorated

Ethan on the bounce house
 Tess and Katie
Birthday Boy! 

Sweet girl Faith
Alaynah and Ryan cruising
Adorable Avery
Cory had a blast with all of his friends and the party was a lot of fun!  We had his favorite foods.....cracker barrel chicken fingers and homemade mac n cheese and fruit/chips to eat. 

Cameron and his
Cory and Ethan chowing down on some cake!
I love the little person you have become...your charming personality and smile light up a room! I hope you are always a Mama's boy and I cherish our time together!  These 3 years have passed by in a blink of an eye!  As much as I love watching you grow, there are some days I wish I could just freeze time and keep you little boy is getting so big!


  1. He is so cute and so big!!!!! Wow he is learning so much!!!! His party looks like fun! !! Happy birthday Cory!

  2. You have the cutest boys!
