18 Weeks
Syptoms: This week I haven't had any new or unusual pregnancy symptoms. I haven't really been too hungry lately but I think it is because I have been taking care of sick boys and that kinda made me lose my appetite! But I have been craving some Rafferty's chicken fingers!
Weight Gain: According to my scale at home, I have lost a little from what I was at the doctors but based on my at home scale I have gained 3 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight. This is the exact same as last pregnancy which is a little surprising to me because I thought I would pack on the pounds much earlier this time around, but as long as the baby's healthy I can't complain!
Gender: Still unknown but we find out in 12 more days! Woo hoo this is more exciting than Christmas at the moment. The signs all lead me to believe it's a boy so if it is a girl I would be very shocked but excited for either. Only difference was Cory's heartbeat was always low 140's and this one has been steady in the 150's each time. I know that whatever it is, it will be what we are meant to have! Everyone always assumes I must want a girl this time around but reality is when you meet and get to know your baby boy or girl, what you thought you wanted goes out the window and you can't imagine your life without the child God blessed you with! That's why before Cory came along I would have said to anyone I leaned toward a girl but now I think I may lean towards boy...lol... but if it is a girl, after she arrives I wouldn't be able to imagine life without her so it really doesn't matter! Either way it is a blessing and I can't wait to know so I can prep the baby's room! It would be neat to see what a girl mixture of John and I are since I can't imagine other boy mixtures other than another baby exactly like Cory ;)
Movement: Nothing! I want to feel some movement! I have had some rumbles in my stomach but I never know if it is the baby or just my stomach churning. I can't wait to feel the movement and kicks! I didn't feel Cory move until closer to 20 weeks though so may be a couple more weeks!
You look Great!