Monday, December 31, 2012

22 weeks!

22 weeksSymptoms:  No major changes in symptoms.  We went to Florida for a week and every night while there I had hip pain while sleeping and had to shift around a lot and didn't sleep too good, so I thought that was going to be the start of a pregancy issue os sore hips this time around, but last night in my own bed I slept great and no hip pain at all!  Must have just been the change with the firmer mattresses I slept on while away.   Feeling pretty good!

Weight Gain:  At my 20 week appt I was 145lbs so at the half way point I gained a total of 5 pounds from my start weight.  My Dr. said I am doing good as far as weight and the baby is growing and measuring normal.  Within the last 2 weeks though I have gained 4 additional pounds so some of that may be baby related or may have to do with the large meals and all the snack foods I ate over the holidays.  Everyone always wanted me to eat a ton the food while visiting family since I am eating for two and I'm not one to turn down lots of yummy

Gender:  I am excited for another boy!  I really want to see him better so John and I are thinking of getting a 3D ultrasound at 30 weeks to see his face better.  We did that with Cory and got some good photos in the womb.  I can't wait to get the room ready, painted, and organized...just have to find the time and maybe send Cory to my parents house one weekend since he likes to "help" mommy by un-do-ing all I have just cleaned up.  It was fun looking back through my newborn clothes and showing Cory what he used to wear and what he came home wearing when he first came home from the hospital.  Another nice thing about having a boy is I wouldn't have to spend any money on stuff since I have everything needed!  It is nice to not have to worry about a registry this time around....the only thing I bought was a new bedding set from Land of Nod to go with his room colors and will be selling Cory's jungle set after he outgrows his crib. 

Movement:  None :(  I was dissapointed in a way to find out I may not feel movement for maybe another 6 or 8 weeks due to the position of my placenta.  The norm is a posterior placenta but sometimes they will implant anterior to the baby which puts the placenta in between the baby and your stomach so you may not feel movement until baby gets bigger and more power to his punches and kicks.  It is always so re-assuring to feel those movements, but I will just look forward to feeling them later on. 

1 comment:

  1. You look great, I am glad that you are still feeling good and the hip pain went away.
