Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Can't wait for Friday!

We find out Friday what the baby's gender is and I can't hardly wait for the next few days to go by!  Last pregnancy I didn't have that long of a wait because we paid to do a 3D ultrasound at 16 weeks along so I knew early on but these last 4 weeks have seemed sooo long having to wait until 20 weeks.  I finally got the baby's room cleaned out at least so it is ready to start preparing.  I have been a total house cleaning slacker the last couple weeks so I finally got my act together and got lots of needed cleaning done over the weekend.  I would have maybe thought stay at home Mom's would have more time to clean and keep a cleaner house but I really feel the house stays so messy from being home all day and toys are the biggest challenge so if I spent all day picking everything up I would have no quality time with Cory which is the reason I am staying home in the first place so we just play and I try to clean in the evenings.  Cory did help me yesterday fill up 2 big boxes of stuff to donate to goodwill. 

We went to Light Up LaGrange on Friday night and that was a lot more fun for Cory this year since he loves all the lights and was just excited about the train ride and seeing Santa Claus.  Friday morning Cory and Kayla went to storytime at the library and Cory moved up to the bigger kid class so they have a craft they do at every class and fun activities so that is lots of fun for us all!  Saturday just had a lazy day at the house and Sunday I went to an ornament exchange party with the ladies from church and had a great time.  Here I am at 19 weeks...can't believe almost half way!  I know there's nothing much showing yet but this is how I was with Cory as well.  Once it pops out more though you will notice a difference each week. 

I wanted to do the Elf on the Shelf this year for Cory so I started it with him.  Just the actual elf I never thought was all that cute (just in my personal opinion) so I found this on amazon and it is the same thing with a different story and a cuter elf.  At first I just thought it was just a knock off and I wanted the actual one but after reading through all of the many positive reviews, it sounded just as good and I was just drawn to the cute little elf so here is what we are doing.  Christopher Pop-In-Kins.  I read Cory the book earlier this month and now every day I hide the elf somewhere super easy and ask him to find it in the mornings. He enjoys looking for it but next year when he understands even more I will do some silly tricks with the elf and see what mischief around the house the little elf can get into.  :)



  1. That elf is way cuter than the elf on a shelf!

    Ugh waiting for the gender is sooo hard! We had to wait until 21 weeks, since 20 weeks for me was Derby and they wouldn't schedule anyone then. It was awful!

    BTW you look good in red!!!

  2. We had such a fun time with ya'll this weekend! Soo excited about you having another baby boy and Cory will make a great big brother to Cameron!
