Sweet boy,
How in the world did 5 weeks already pass? You turned 5 weeks this past Sunday and it is crazy how fast time is flying and your getting bigger and bigger and changing every week! I have enjoyed this time so much with you and you are such a good baby that i wish things would slow down a bit! You had some gas issues the last couple days and that made you a bit uncomfortable and figity but other than that you have been the easiest going baby so far! You just sleep most of the day and eat and stay alert for a little while and you do some tummy time. You already have good head control and always want to lift your head to see what's going on.
Last week at the doctor we got your height/weight stats at your 1 month check up and here they are:
Weight: 10 pounds, 14 ounces (54%)
Height: 21.5 inches (53%)
I was thinking that you weren't going to fill out like Cory did since you were so skinny at birth and in the 7th -10th percentile, but boy you proved me wrong! Your doctor had a little chuckle when she saw how much you grew in just a little time and said it was great and that you're a healthy eater. She also gave me some news that initially scared me but she made me reassured that it was normal and nothing to worry about. She said you had a heart murmur and i really knew nothing about them or if would affect you negatively but she said they are quite common and we are going to a cardiologist just to make sure there wouldn't be any complications but it is rare that there would be and the heart murmurs usually go away on their own.and/or never cause any complications. So May 31st Daddy and I will take you to the appointment to check it out.
I just love your chubby cheeks!
Although you're getting bigger, you still look pretty small in the recliner :)
Love this face!
Sometime next week I think we are going to try to transition you to sleep in your crib. You aren't a bad sleeper and for my own peace of mind you have still been sleeping in our room but we may see how you do in the crib and i have the twin bed i can lay in with you to feed you to give Daddy more solid sleep. You wake about every 4 hours to eat, then go right back to sleep and there was one night you gave me 6 good hours to sleep so thanks, Mommy felt refreshed that day! Love you so much!