Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cam's 4 weeks/ 1 month!

1 Month!

Sweet Cameron,
You turned 1 month old yesterday and I couldn't believe how fast the 1st month flew by!  This week we got you a miracle blanket since you haven't been too fond of swaddling and you can escape with just a regular swaddle blanket, so we thought we'd try this blanket.  After I first put you in it you just kept giving me these little smiles, it was so adorable!  You would look up at me and grin even though you were stuck like a sardine in the blanket so I guess you thought it was comfortable because then you dozed off to sleep :)  Last night you just woke up twice in the night for feedings and slept solid the rest of the time so I think you felt more snug and secure wrapped up.  We go this Thursday to your 1 month appointment so I am not sure what you weigh now but I can certainly tell you have really filled out!  You seemed so thin at birth and now your cheeks are getting bigger and chubbier and I love it!  I can't stop kissing those cheeks! 

In a month you now:

-wear size 1 diapers
-are in 0-3 month clothes
-want to eat about every 3 hours, sometimes more often!
-sleep most of the day and wake up to feed, then stay up about half an hour and go back to sleep
-you are very alert for the periods you are awake and look around taking everything in
-you sometimes like a pacifier but usually you just spit it out
-you enjoy bath time and like when I cover you with warm washcloths
-you love the swing, bouncer and play mat
-your big brother is absolutely smitten with you and always wants to kiss and hug you and you like watching him play!

Love, Mommy!  xoxo

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