Friday, May 10, 2013

He's Here!!

Cameron Alexander Campbell
Born: April 21st, 2013
7 pounds, 1 ounce
19 inches long

I have been MIA lately but there's been a lot of new things to update!  Number one being the arrival of our sweet little boy who will be 3 weeks old this Sunday!  John got 3 weeks off work so we have just been enjoying lots of quality family time so I have quite a few updates to post and pics to share but for now I will just say that things are going wonderfully since bringing home baby and my heart has been filled again with so much love, we are all in love with our new little bundle!  I remember when Cory was born, I was just so amazed by how beautiful I thought he was and how I thought he was the cutest baby I had ever seen,  so while pregnant with Cameron,  I would tell John that I don't see how we can top Cory and make a baby as cute as him again since he's just so darn,  but when Cameron came along, he was just as perfect in this Momma's eyes!  He is just so beautiful in every way that I sometimes have to pinch myself that this is really my life and I have 2 amazing, healthy boys to watch after.  Cameron has a pretty skin tone, big blue eyes(of course I know 6 months from now they will most likely be brown), and adorable little features.  Stay turned for the birth story and updates on life with 2 kiddos!  I will say that everyone warned me about how tired and exhausting the first few weeks would be, but actually it hasn't been that way in my opinion.  Sure I have tired moments at 2am feedings but overall Cameron has been the easiest baby so far...rarely cries, and is just so content 95% of the time!  The other 5% he's just hungry or having gas issues.  This has been so easy to me this time around, I think just because I have done it before and feel much more relaxed and confident in motherhood.  I'm not worried about every little thing and am honestly just enjoying this newborn phase so much!  It makes me sad that he is already nearly 3 weeks  I think I am enjoying  this time more than I did with Cory just because I was a little more nervous with Cory and thought he was so fragile and was trying to do everything so much by the book but now we just go with the flow this time around and know what to expect for the most part.  I can't imagine my life now without Cameron, I am just so obsessed and love every snuggle, every baby noise and the little smiles (whether it is just gas, they still melt my heart). 

Here's a few pics I took!

Cory LOVES being a big brother!!

And we can't forget to post pics of this cute face!


  1. They are both just toooo adorable!!!!!!! Congrats on your healthy boys! Motherhood is just sooo natural to you!

    Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!!! I can't wait to hear how everything has been going!

  2. Congrats!! Your boys are precious! Glad everything's going well for you and your little family!

  3. HE'S ADORABLE! Congrats, I'm so happy for you and that everything is going well!!
