Tuesday, April 16, 2013

37 Weeks! Full Term

This is a short post and no pic since I forgot to get John to take on over the weekend. 

What's happening: This week was the second of my weekly appointments and I am glad to be considered full term now so baby Cameron can come anytime now and be fully developed.  Doctor said I was 3-4 cm dialated which just 1 more centimeter and I may start feeling the contractions.  I was 40% efaced.  My doctor said she is going out of town this Thurs through Sunday so I kinda hope I don't start labor then but it would still be fine and I would just have the doctor deliver who is on-call.   

Symptoms: Pretty sure I have had some braxton hicks contractions since I have felt some tightening here and there in my belly.

Looking forward to:  I am anxious to see what he looks like and if he looks like Cory did or not.  I can't wait to see him!  Also to finish up the last couple things in the nursery.  Will post pics soon.

Weight Gain:  Same as last week...19lbs.

Movement:  Same....feeling him move but his head is down in the ready position and the movements have changed into just feeling him stretching out or little jabs here and there but no rolling around. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it is coming up sooo quickly!!!!!! Can't wait to meet him!
