Wednesday, April 10, 2013

36 Weeks!

What's happening:  This week was the first of my weekly appointments and it went well.  I totally can tell the baby has dropped now and just I just feel a bit more pressure on my lower abdomen area and the doctor said his was head down in the ready position and I was 3cm dialated.  My doctor told me to go to the hospital as soon as I feel any contractions since Cory came so quick, this one may be even faster so she didn't want me to take a chance of having him on the road on the way  I really love my doctor and am glad she will deliver my 2nd baby as well.  She always tells me I have been one of her easiest patients ever just with the quick delivery with Cory, she was in and out of the hospital in like an hour or less and my appointments are always in and out because there hasn't been anything out of the norm so I am just hoping things go well this time with the delivery and that I will have time for the epidural.

Symptoms: The only symptom I've had in the last week is heartburn.  But I get it after eating tacos or certain types of foods so it isn't all the time.  I have had it some off and on throughout this pregnancy.  Also I have had a craving in the last couple weeks and it is any sugary cereals!  Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cap'n Crunch, Apple Jacks....if it's sugary I have been craving it and could eat it really throughout the day for breakfast or dinner or whenever, it is sooo yummy right  I typically only buy the healthier cereals Cascadian Farm or Kashi, etc but here lately it's gotta have more sugar!  The only other thing I craved this pregnancy was chicken fingers but I didn't really count that as pregnancy related because I crave that often even while not pregnant!

Looking forward to:  I am looking forward to finalizing the nursery. To be totally finished with organizing everything and to finish up a couple crafts I have planned.  I am in major nesting mode so I am doing laundry, organizing  and re-arranging things in the room and just trying to get it as prepared as I can to essentially make it easier on me to find things when the baby comes and to have a quiet, calm space to bring baby home to!  I am also looking forward to being 37 weeks and full term next week so I won't be concerned about his growth anymore and he can come out whenever he's ready, anxious to find out if anything progressed on Monday. 

Weight Gain: At my last appt. I had gained 19 pounds total so far.  Hoping to just stick with a pound or less a week from here on til the end to stay in the 20-25 range. 

Movement:  He doesnt have as much room now to move but I can still feel movement throughout the day just feels like he is poking me with his feet or arms and he gets hiccups nearly everyday it seems like.  Baby is the size of a honeydew now ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I bet he will come fast.

    You look sooo great!

    What a great pregnant person you are! Maybe the third will just be easier????
