Friday, April 5, 2013

Nursery Update part 3 - Setting up furniture! And Easter Fun!

I am excited that we will be able to get the nursery finished this weekend and it is supposed to be pretty weather so we can have lots of outdoor time playing too!  Today John is going to paint the crib and changing table and if it needs a second coat, he will do that tomorrow and that is pretty much all left to do other than I am going to put up a little gallery wall of frames today and hang a few other things on the wall. 
So I last left you with us taping the stripes off to paint them and here are the stripes!  I love the way they turned out and that when we peeled the tape off the lines were crisp without seeping through any.  Success!

Above pic is one view with the stripes before we put the twin bed together.

And here is after we painted and put the twin bed together.  I found the frame off craigslist and for all of it ...the twin bed headboard/footboard and slats, it was just $10!  Normally not a big craigslist shopper but I wanted to look for cheap pieces I could give new life to and to save some money.  So all I bought was the mattress for it and bedding.  I wanted this to have a daybed look to it and it will be where I can lay down and nurse Cameron in the night rather than going back and forth through the house.  Also, it can be Cameron's future bed when he gets older.  I forgot to take a before pic but we painted the frame Behr's silverdrop which almost looks off-white and before it was a light colored wood with visible surface scratches which you can't tell at all now.

Above is a nightstand which was also a craigslist find for $20.  It did have a different door handle that was brass and ugly so I switched it out for a more modern one and the color was an oak colored wood but looked very grandma-ish before we painted it. 

My little buddy hanging out under the bed :)
This was just a quickie project banner with Cameron's name that I put together with scrapbook paper, sticker letters and a ribbon and hung on the wall.  Only thing is the letters ended up being a little bigger than I thought when I put them on but I guess it still looks okay. 

For Easter Cory woke up to find his goodies....a basket full of chocolate eggs, peeps. skittles, starburst, m&m's, jelly beans and a lego duplo set that you can make cars with the legos.  He is really into lego duplo now!

He loved his new toy.  Here he is playing before church!
We also dyed the eggs which Cory loved and was very into this year.  He wanted to dip the eggs by himself.

Big grin!

Lastly here was one before shot I found of the pink room a little before we painted it.  Dark pink on the right wall, light pink on the left wall. I think it looks much better now!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow I love the room more and more! Good idea on the bed in the baby room. I have a friend who did that and if you have the space it is genius!!!!

    You are so crafty I love it!

    What a cute grin he has! Just a sweetheart! Enjoy the weather!!!!

  2. Love how the stripes turned out!! Can't wait to seee the final room all set up!
