Monday, April 1, 2013

35 Weeks

This post is late but thought I'd post an update on the pregnacy then this week I'll do some catching up on all the stuff we've finished in the nursery, pics of easter, etc. 

Here I am at 35 weeks!  Man the time is flying and I am just wishing it would slow time.  Often times people wish the time away towards the end of pregnancy but I'm really in no hurry and have so many things I want to finish up and do with Cory before the baby comes.  Part of me is anxious to see him but part of me hopes he will make it closer to my due date instead of coming early like Cory did just so I still have one more month.

Symptoms: My symptoms are still very minor.  I sleep great and haven't had any hip pain like I had towards the end of pregnancy with Cory.  Main thing is feeling like I always have a full bladder and needing to pee.  

What I miss:  There has only been 1 thing I miss from pre-pregnancy to now being pregnant and that is my Exercise!  I know I can still walk and do stuff but running isn't comfortable to the belly so I haven't in a while and that is what I am so anxious to do after baby pops out!  Go on a nice long easy run....just me and my IPOD! 

Weight Gain: At my last appt  at 34 weeks appt I had gained 18 pounds total so far and the doctor now says baby is measuring a week ahead...guess he got bigger all of a sudden because he was always measuring same week as we were in. 

Movement: Moving around a lot thoughout the day.  I can tell when he gets hiccups and sometimes I get a big buldge on one side of my stomach and I like to guess if it's his head or bottom ;)

1 comment:

  1. You look so great!!!!!! Glad it is going so well for you!
