Tuesday, April 16, 2013

37 Weeks! Full Term

This is a short post and no pic since I forgot to get John to take on over the weekend. 

What's happening: This week was the second of my weekly appointments and I am glad to be considered full term now so baby Cameron can come anytime now and be fully developed.  Doctor said I was 3-4 cm dialated which just 1 more centimeter and I may start feeling the contractions.  I was 40% efaced.  My doctor said she is going out of town this Thurs through Sunday so I kinda hope I don't start labor then but it would still be fine and I would just have the doctor deliver who is on-call.   

Symptoms: Pretty sure I have had some braxton hicks contractions since I have felt some tightening here and there in my belly.

Looking forward to:  I am anxious to see what he looks like and if he looks like Cory did or not.  I can't wait to see him!  Also to finish up the last couple things in the nursery.  Will post pics soon.

Weight Gain:  Same as last week...19lbs.

Movement:  Same....feeling him move but his head is down in the ready position and the movements have changed into just feeling him stretching out or little jabs here and there but no rolling around. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

36 Weeks!

What's happening:  This week was the first of my weekly appointments and it went well.  I totally can tell the baby has dropped now and just I just feel a bit more pressure on my lower abdomen area and the doctor said his was head down in the ready position and I was 3cm dialated.  My doctor told me to go to the hospital as soon as I feel any contractions since Cory came so quick, this one may be even faster so she didn't want me to take a chance of having him on the road on the way there...lol.  I really love my doctor and am glad she will deliver my 2nd baby as well.  She always tells me I have been one of her easiest patients ever just with the quick delivery with Cory, she was in and out of the hospital in like an hour or less and my appointments are always in and out because there hasn't been anything out of the norm so I am just hoping things go well this time with the delivery and that I will have time for the epidural.

Symptoms: The only symptom I've had in the last week is heartburn.  But I get it after eating tacos or certain types of foods so it isn't all the time.  I have had it some off and on throughout this pregnancy.  Also I have had a craving in the last couple weeks and it is any sugary cereals!  Frosted Flakes, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cap'n Crunch, Apple Jacks....if it's sugary I have been craving it and could eat it really throughout the day for breakfast or dinner or whenever, it is sooo yummy right now...lol.  I typically only buy the healthier cereals Cascadian Farm or Kashi, etc but here lately it's gotta have more sugar!  The only other thing I craved this pregnancy was chicken fingers but I didn't really count that as pregnancy related because I crave that often even while not pregnant!

Looking forward to:  I am looking forward to finalizing the nursery. To be totally finished with organizing everything and to finish up a couple crafts I have planned.  I am in major nesting mode so I am doing laundry, organizing  and re-arranging things in the room and just trying to get it as prepared as I can to essentially make it easier on me to find things when the baby comes and to have a quiet, calm space to bring baby home to!  I am also looking forward to being 37 weeks and full term next week so I won't be concerned about his growth anymore and he can come out whenever he's ready, anxious to find out if anything progressed on Monday. 

Weight Gain: At my last appt. I had gained 19 pounds total so far.  Hoping to just stick with a pound or less a week from here on til the end to stay in the 20-25 range. 

Movement:  He doesnt have as much room now to move but I can still feel movement throughout the day just feels like he is poking me with his feet or arms and he gets hiccups nearly everyday it seems like.  Baby is the size of a honeydew now ;)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Nursery Update part 3 - Setting up furniture! And Easter Fun!

I am excited that we will be able to get the nursery finished this weekend and it is supposed to be pretty weather so we can have lots of outdoor time playing too!  Today John is going to paint the crib and changing table and if it needs a second coat, he will do that tomorrow and that is pretty much all left to do other than I am going to put up a little gallery wall of frames today and hang a few other things on the wall. 
So I last left you with us taping the stripes off to paint them and here are the stripes!  I love the way they turned out and that when we peeled the tape off the lines were crisp without seeping through any.  Success!

Above pic is one view with the stripes before we put the twin bed together.

And here is after we painted and put the twin bed together.  I found the frame off craigslist and for all of it ...the twin bed headboard/footboard and slats, it was just $10!  Normally not a big craigslist shopper but I wanted to look for cheap pieces I could give new life to and to save some money.  So all I bought was the mattress for it and bedding.  I wanted this to have a daybed look to it and it will be where I can lay down and nurse Cameron in the night rather than going back and forth through the house.  Also, it can be Cameron's future bed when he gets older.  I forgot to take a before pic but we painted the frame Behr's silverdrop which almost looks off-white and before it was a light colored wood with visible surface scratches which you can't tell at all now.

Above is a nightstand which was also a craigslist find for $20.  It did have a different door handle that was brass and ugly so I switched it out for a more modern one and the color was an oak colored wood but looked very grandma-ish before we painted it. 

My little buddy hanging out under the bed :)
This was just a quickie project banner with Cameron's name that I put together with scrapbook paper, sticker letters and a ribbon and hung on the wall.  Only thing is the letters ended up being a little bigger than I thought when I put them on but I guess it still looks okay. 

For Easter Cory woke up to find his goodies....a basket full of chocolate eggs, peeps. skittles, starburst, m&m's, jelly beans and a lego duplo set that you can make cars with the legos.  He is really into lego duplo now!

He loved his new toy.  Here he is playing before church!
We also dyed the eggs which Cory loved and was very into this year.  He wanted to dip the eggs by himself.

Big grin!

Lastly here was one before shot I found of the pink room a little before we painted it.  Dark pink on the right wall, light pink on the left wall. I think it looks much better now!
Have a great weekend!

Monday, April 1, 2013

35 Weeks

This post is late but thought I'd post an update on the pregnacy then this week I'll do some catching up on all the stuff we've finished in the nursery, pics of easter, etc. 

Here I am at 35 weeks!  Man the time is flying and I am just wishing it would slow time.  Often times people wish the time away towards the end of pregnancy but I'm really in no hurry and have so many things I want to finish up and do with Cory before the baby comes.  Part of me is anxious to see him but part of me hopes he will make it closer to my due date instead of coming early like Cory did just so I still have one more month.

Symptoms: My symptoms are still very minor.  I sleep great and haven't had any hip pain like I had towards the end of pregnancy with Cory.  Main thing is feeling like I always have a full bladder and needing to pee.  

What I miss:  There has only been 1 thing I miss from pre-pregnancy to now being pregnant and that is my Exercise!  I know I can still walk and do stuff but running isn't comfortable to the belly so I haven't in a while and that is what I am so anxious to do after baby pops out!  Go on a nice long easy run....just me and my IPOD! 

Weight Gain: At my last appt  at 34 weeks appt I had gained 18 pounds total so far and the doctor now says baby is measuring a week ahead...guess he got bigger all of a sudden because he was always measuring same week as we were in. 

Movement: Moving around a lot thoughout the day.  I can tell when he gets hiccups and sometimes I get a big buldge on one side of my stomach and I like to guess if it's his head or bottom ;)